Laboratory for Data Analysis and Artificial Intelligence

We extract
the best from data


Data-analysis and Artifical Intelligence

AI-MATIZ uses state-of-the-art tools to extract the best out of data.
Our expertise in Scientific Research and Development allows us to lead the way in creating innovative solutions. Our products include Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning products based on Research + Innovation + DevelopmentResearch + Innovation + Development, technical cooperation between International Organizations and Governments.We also provide Artificial Intelligence courses for Executives.


Scientific Papers


AI App & Tools


Years @ AI & Data Analysis


Companies and public and private Organisms


Principal Services

Artificial Intelligence Course for Executives

We designed a customized course for executives who need to be in the state-of-the-art of Artificial Intelligence, but without writing a line of code. Artificial Intelligence, but without writing a line of code. That is, to know the subject to lead teams, evaluate options, devise projects and define prospects for success of various ideas on company data. In this course you will see and understand the most important, relevant and applicable algorithms in the field of business and data management.

Intelligent business dashboard on (Twitter)

Study in X all the companies we are interested in. For example, those of very recent appearance, even those present only in social networks such as Twitter without having social networks such as Twitter without having yet constituted a formal company name; also evolution of suppliers, competencies, among others. Analyzing all the metrics of interest to us and other emerging metrics hidden in the data.

AI Assessment

AI Assessment is a service offered by a team of AI experts with more than 10 years of experience. It allows companies to evaluate the structure of their data and determine the best AI applications for their business. After a 3-4 week analysis, a report is generated with the best AI options, their potential and value. This report is presented to the board in a formal session with slides and questions, becoming an asset for the company to discuss AI implementations in an informed manner. Only access to a small data extract (10 points per set) is required to perform the assessment.

AI DATA Assessment for insurance companies

It analyzes the quality of internal communications and uses massive data from social networks to detect fraud. It also implements scoring models to prevent fraud and optimizes reservation management through advanced calculations. Finally, a deep exploration of the data is performed to uncover hidden patterns, including correlations between variables and the creation of graphs to between variables and the creation of graphs to draw conclusions. This initial phase establishes the basis for a second, more specific more specific stage, where the variables, graphs and budget needed to deepen the analysis will be defined.

Internet Role Monitor

An Internet Role Monitor is a tool or service that supervises and monitors the status and operation of the different roles or services running on a web server or Internet infrastructure. of the different roles or services running on a web server or Internet infrastructure. This may include monitoring of web servers, email servers, FTP servers, database servers, etc., and so on. database servers, etc. Your goal is to ensure that these services are functioning properly and to detect any problems or outages. detect any problems or outages.


Our Work

We are a group of scientists and developers passionate about creating artificial intelligence tools that benefit society. We are interested in projects that represent a general advance for users, companies, institutions, governments... in short, for everyone!